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Keeping Adelaide Oval safe for all

For the comfort, safety and enjoyment of all patrons, staff and event participants, the following conditions of entry (Conditions of Entry) apply to all Adelaide Oval attendees. In these Conditions, ‘Adelaide Oval’ means the stadium at War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide SA 5006, including the playing surface inside it.

Conditions may vary for specific events – refer to the ticket information and the event pages for more information. These Conditions of Entry are to be read in conjunction with the conditions that apply to all specific events.

Patrons who do not comply with the Conditions of Entry will not be permitted entry. Patrons who have been admitted but subsequently fail to comply with the Conditions of Entry may be removed from Adelaide Oval without refund of any entry fee(s).

Other Conditions of Entry

At Adelaide Oval, everyone is welcome. This means that regardless of which team you support, you have just as much right to enjoy your experience as everyone else. The Adelaide Oval Stadium Management Authority (SMA) expects all patrons to adhere to the Adelaide Oval Fan Behaviour Code of Conduct whilst in the Adelaide Oval precinct.

As a patron of Adelaide Oval, you have a right to expect an environment where:

  • You will be treated in a consistent, professional and courteous manner by all event day staff
  • You are able to safely enjoy events free from disruptive behaviour, including foul or abusive language, obscene gestures or other socially unacceptable behaviour.

In return, Adelaide Oval patrons will behave in a manner consistent with the above expectations. When attending Adelaide Oval you will:

  • Support your team in a loud, passionate and enthusiastic manner where appropriate
  • Respect patrons and officials of all ages, regardless of team affiliation
  • Actively foster a family-friendly environment
  • Engage in the responsible consumption of alcohol
  • Refrain from fighting, throwing objects or projectiles of any kind
  • Use appropriate language, without threatening, foul or abusive content based on race, religion, sexuality or gender
  • Refrain from using offensive or obscene gestures
  • Ensure banners, signs, clothing or other observable materials are free of obscene, discriminatory and/or indecent messages
  • Not enter restricted areas (including the field of play) without expressed permission
  • Only access areas as per ticketing entitlements
  • Refrain from smoking/vaping inside the venue
  • Comply with requests from Adelaide Oval event-day staff, SA Police and other security personnel regarding venue operations and emergency response procedures
  • Expect the Adelaide Oval Fan Behaviour Code of Conduct to be actively enforced.

To report bad behaviour during games, text message Adelaide Oval security on 0400 TELL US (0400 835 587). Alternatively, if you would like to raise your concerns outside of games, you can email us at

The SMA works with the event hirer, SA Police and contracted security services to identify offenders, record incidents and sanction patrons who breach the Adelaide Oval Fan Behaviour Code of Conduct.

Any person who does not comply with this Code of Conduct may be removed from Adelaide Oval. Depending on the severity of the behaviour, anyone evicted may incur a ban, suspension of membership and/or police charges.

The minimum penalties for breaches at Adelaide Oval, in addition to any other penalties issued by SAPOL or the SA courts, include:

  •  Persons who bring a flare into Adelaide Oval or ignite a flare on the Adelaide Oval Core or Licenced Area – Lifetime ban from Adelaide Oval
  • Groups (supporter groups or other) involved in significant acts of violence – minimum 10-year ban from Adelaide Oval
  • Persons who are reported or arrested for entering the playing arena – minimum 3-year ban from Adelaide Oval
  • Persons who are involved in a violent incident and arrested for assault or affray – minimum 2-year ban from Adelaide Oval
  • Persons who are evicted for a second time for any reason – minimum 12-month ban from Adelaide Oval.

The SMA reserves the right to impose penalties for incidents not covered above as required.

The SMA appreciates your support of the Adelaide Oval Fan Behaviour Code of Conduct and looks forward to providing an environment where everyone is welcome!

Adelaide Oval SMA Limited, its staff, agents and security contractors (AOSMA) may refuse entry to Adelaide Oval to any person, and in particular to any person:

  • considered by AOSMA to be violent, intoxicated, disorderly or quarrelsome;
  • not holding a valid ticket or other form of entry pass;
  • carrying items which have the potential to cause injury or nuisance;
  • who possesses or appears to be affected by a prohibited drug; or
  • who does not comply with these Conditions of Entry (including stipulated dress codes).

A person may not bring the following items into Adelaide Oval unless permitted by AOSMA:

  •  Any item, the improper use of which, is reasonably considered by AOSMA as being able to cause injury, nuisance or offence to any other person attending Adelaide Oval. Any such item may be confiscated by AOSMA if subsequently found on that person;
  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Animals (except guide dogs and other bona fide assistance animals);
  • Balls – including but not limited to tennis, cricket and footballs (except in the case of SANFL or AFL matches where footballs are permitted but must not be thrown or used in any way which could cause injury or nuisance);
  • Cricket or sporting bats longer than 30cm (excluding Adelaide Oval /event issued merchandise for children);
  • Bicycles, scooters, rollerblades, skates, skateboards and the like;
  • Cans, tins, metal containers, glass bottles and glass containers (Metallic thermoses will be admitted on the condition that they are presented for the contents to be inspected at the request of any stadium official)
  • Flag poles and/or extendable flag poles over 1 metre in length;
  • Professional standard still or video cameras, audio recording devices and tripods, and lenses with a total-focal strength of greater than 200mm;
  • Chairs or stools;
  • Hard eskies of any size or type (including foam eskies);
  • Any bag or container that is too large to be stored under a seat;
  • Flares, fireworks, laser pointers;
  • Confetti or shredded or torn paper;
  • Illicit drugs;
  • Weapons, guns & knives (or any other object that could be used as a weapon);
  • Inflatable items including beach balls, receptacles, devices or structures;
  • Shade covers;
  • Oversized signs, banners or flags that are considered by AOSMA as capable of causing a nuisance;
  • Loud hailers, megaphones, and musical instruments of any nature (including vuvuzelas, horns, whistles and drums);

Specific conditions may apply for some events regarding the entry of musical instruments (see the specific event pages for more information).

AOSMA is not responsible for, and may not held liable by any person, for loss, theft or damage to any such restricted or prohibited items left by that person in or around Adelaide Oval.

  • Patrons are admitted into Adelaide Oval at their own risk.
  • Some sporting and other activities are dangerous. Patrons viewing such activities do so at their own risk.
  • Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes, is not permitted at Adelaide Oval.
  • Designated smoking areas are located outside the stadium. Patrons who smoke in areas of Adelaide Oval other than the designated smoking areas or who fail to obey a direction by AOSMA to cease smoking, may be immediately evicted from Adelaide Oval.
  • Alcohol must not be taken away from Adelaide Oval.
  • AOSMA encourages the safe, sensible and responsible consumption of alcohol by patrons. Patrons who are impaired or unruly due to intoxication irrevocably consent to being treated by AOSMA in a manner appropriate to their degree of impairment or intoxication and must, to the extent permitted by law, indemnify AOSMA from any losses, claims or proceedings suffered by AOSMA as a result of such impairment or intoxication.
  • Patrons irrevocably consent to AOSMA, at any time, inspecting and searching (or either) their person, bags, clothes or possessions regardless of size, including by means of handheld or fixed wands, scanners or detectors or pat-down. Patrons declining such search will be refused entry to the Stadium.
  • AOSMA may not be held responsible for confiscated items (including alcohol).
  • Persons found with a lost, stolen, counterfeit, damaged or unreadable ticket will be refused entry or evicted (as the case may be) from Adelaide Oval.
  • To ensure both patron and player safety, unauthorised entry to the field of play is prohibited (penalties will apply under Recreation Grounds (Regulations) Act 1931 (SA) and a minimum 12-month ban from Adelaide Oval).
  • Unless authorised by AOSMA, patrons must not enter any part of Adelaide Oval that is restricted from public access.
  • Patrons must not interfere with, obstruct or hinder AOSMA or any activity conducted on the field of play, stage or performance.
  • Throwing objects (including onto the field of play) is prohibited and will result in the patron responsible being evicted (penalties will apply under Recreation Grounds (Regulations) Act 1931 (SA)).
  • Patrons who cause a disturbance, are offensive, discriminatory, display anti-social behaviour, use foul or abusive language, make racial or threatening remarks or gestures, commit indecent exposure or refuse to comply with reasonable requests made by AOSMA may be evicted.
  • The use of photographic, video or audio equipment for commercial purposes is not permitted within Adelaide Oval.
  • Cameras including mobile telephones with camera interfacing, must not be used in areas such as change rooms, parenting rooms and toilets.
  • Security cameras operate around and within Adelaide Oval and patrons may be filmed, photographed, or otherwise recorded.
  • Patrons may be filmed, recorded or photographed by official broadcasters or photographers and these images or recordings may be used without the consent of, or payment or provision of other compensation to, patrons for all manner of official broadcast or promotional purposes.
  • Patrons bringing personal items into Adelaide Oval do so at their own risk. AOSMA may not be held responsible for any damage, loss or theft of a patron’s personal property.
  • Umbrellas may be brought into Adelaide Oval but for the comfort and safety of others cannot be raised whilst any activities are taking place on the playing arena or stage, or, in the case of SANFL or AFL matches, cannot be raised or opened at any time while inside Adelaide Oval.
  • Patrons are required to take appropriate care for their sun protection and hydration.
  • Seats retract automatically, so to avoid potential damage or injury, patrons must check that their seat is properly and safely positioned before sitting down.
  • First Aid personnel are onsite to provide patrons with medical assistance if required. Patrons requiring first aid assistance are to contact Adelaide Oval staff or locate the nearest First Aid room.
  • If an ambulance is required for medical treatment, the cost of such service will be at the patron’s expense.
  • Patrons must not sell any goods or services or give away political, religious, advertising or promotional materials without the prior written consent of AOSMA.
  • Patrons may not conduct public surveys or opinion polls or solicit money, donations or subscriptions from members of the public, without the prior written consent of AOSMA.
  • Littering is prohibited – patrons are requested to use waste receptacles located around and within Adelaide Oval.
  • Any person found mistreating, tampering, defacing or damaging any part of Adelaide Oval or the surrounds will be evicted from Adelaide Oval and may face prosecution.
  • Patrons are requested to respect the parklands surrounding Adelaide Oval and the neighbouring private homes, businesses and institutions by acting in an appropriate manner, not littering and not making excessive noise when exiting or entering Adelaide Oval or associated car parks.
  • Any articles placed at the entrance to the admission gates to Adelaide Oval must not be left unattended. AOSMA accepts no responsibility for personal articles and reserves the right to remove any such articles.
  • AOSMA reserves the right to close the Adelaide Oval gates regardless of whether or not all ticket holders entitled to admission have gained admission to Adelaide Oval, if in the opinion of AOSMA, the admission of further persons to Adelaide Oval would or might endanger the safety of those persons who seek admission or have already been admitted.
  • Prams and strollers are generally permitted within Adelaide Oval. However, due to space limitations and for the safety and enjoyment of all patrons, AOSMA may from time to time, control the number of prams or strollers permitted within Adelaide Oval (restrictions apply for storage locations).
  • AOSMA does not represent to any patron that he or she will find a space in Adelaide Oval considered by him or her to be suitable for viewing the match or event.
  • Concession patrons are required to produce their concession card to gain entry to Adelaide Oval.
  • AOSMA may refuse entry to any patron who attempts to enter or re-enter Adelaide Oval using a pass-out, but not in possession of their original entry ticket.
  • To the extent permitted by law, by entering Adelaide Oval, each patron agrees that AOSMA, AFL, SACA and their representatives, servants and agents, shall not be liable to that patron for any loss or damage, (including without limitation, loss or damage caused by the negligence of SMA, AFL, SACA or its servants and agents and incidental and consequential loss or damage), arising in any manner wholly or partly from or in connection with his or her use of Adelaide Oval.
  • AOSMA may replace or vary these Conditions of Entry at any time and without notice.

A range of dress codes apply at Adelaide Oval and patrons will be denied entry or evicted from Adelaide Oval if in breach of an applicable code. It is the patron’s responsibility to observe the dress codes. Dress codes may vary depending on the event – see the event information for more details.

General Admission:
For general admission and where dress codes have not been specified, patrons are requested to, at minimum, be appropriately clothed for a public venue and:
footwear must be worn at all times;

  • patrons must not wear or display items which bear offensive, racist, radical, fanatical, inflammatory, obscene, derogatory or provocative slogans, signage or logos;
  • patrons must not wear or display any item for the sole or dominant purpose of ambush marketing; and
  • patrons must not wear, display or possess items which bear street gang or motor cycle gang colours, including and not limited to patches, jackets, T-shirts, badges, other clothing or paraphernalia or items bearing a motor cycles gang’s insignia.

SACA Members:
Strict dress codes apply for SACA Members. Please refer to the SACA website for details.

Adelaide Oval Football Members, Essential Crows and Essential Power Members:
Neat casual attire must be worn by all persons seeking or gaining admission to the Members Area. AOSMA reserves the right to refuse admission to the Members Area, any person who in the opinion of an employee or agent of the AOSMA is deemed to be inappropriately attired. In any event, no person wearing rubber thongs, singlets or football shorts will be allowed admission to or be permitted to remain in the Members Area.

Adelaide Oval Corporate Hospitality and Dining Room Areas:
Unless otherwise permitted by AOSMA, the minimum standard of dress required for Adelaide Oval corporate hospitality and dining room is a high standard of smart casual attire. Males must wear a collar when inside any of these areas, even if worn under a sweater or jacket. Patrons are requested to note that SACA Members dining and hospitality dress codes differ, and are referred to the above link to the website.

MTX Club:

Smart-casual attire must be worn by all members and guests aged 12 and above seeking admission to the MTX Club.

Please refer to the MTX Club Membership page on the Adelaide Oval website for details.

Adelaide Oval reserves the right to refuse admission to any person, who in the opinion of an employee or agent of the Adelaide Oval, is deemed to be inappropriately attired.



Adelaide Oval is a licenced premise and operates under a Special Circumstance Licence. Restrictions will apply. Adelaide Oval will operate in accordance with its house alcohol management policy and all state laws.

Patrons are reminded when entering Adelaide Oval that:

  • it is an offence for a minor to purchase and/or consume liquor;
  • it is an offence to purchase liquor for, or supply liquor to, a minor; and
  • a person supplying liquor to a minor will be reported to police and penalties apply under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 (SA).

Please note 24-hour closed circuit television surveillance operates throughout Adelaide Oval.